How The Association of Office Services Professionals came to be: For some time the MSMA National Board and Marketing Team had been working to develop a plan to re-brand MSMA to meet the greater needs of our membership and encourage participation from other groups in the Office Services world, while maintaining our roots in MAIL. In February 2018, a task force made up of existing board members and other industry professionals met in Chicago and developed a presentation not to rebrand MSMA but expand the association. This task force recommended, and the National Board voted unanimously to create a partner association: The AOSP The Mission of the AOSP is to bring together office service professionals from industries involved with administrative services, distribution, logistics, shipping/receiving, domestic and international mail communications and more. The goal is to provide education and training opportunities that will allow personal and professional growth to members on a wide variety of topics and disciplines. Additionally, offering a network of professional colleagues and resources that will enable members to provide value added services to their companies, clients and associates. The AOSP Certification and Training Opportunities The Office Service Professional Certification (OSPC) Level I The Office Services Professionals Certification (OSPC) Level I is a training and certification process for entry level, non-managers working in office services, support services and mail operations. It is aimed toward individuals with fewer than 3 years of industry experience seeking training in basic office services and functions, but it is also useful for anyone wanting to hone their professional skills. This professional training and certification program can be taken as a standalone certification or as a first step in a career long certification process for those who might eventually pursue other industry certifications. The subject matter was developed by a group of industry professionals who donated their time and expertise to bring this to AOSP. OSPC Level I Certification Exam Application: Testing Registration Fees and Materials OSPC Level II -Launched in 2025 the OSPC Level II is an advanced level certification designed to equip aspiring and current managers and supervisors in Office Services OSPC Level II Certification Exam Application: Testing Registration Fees and Materials Please indicate if you are interested in Level I or Level II
AOSP Specific Track available at MAILCOM MAILCOM will offer an Office Service Professional track at the two MAILCOM Conferences during the year This track will offer training in the 8 modules make up the OSPC training certification. The classes will be taught by industry experts. For more information on MAILCOM check out their Website: Membership: New members may join using the following link: Membership or by contacting Barbara Fahy, Managing Director AOSP by email: Follow us on social Media: Twitter - @AOSPcommunity LinkedIn: Association of Office Service Professionals(AOSP) Office Service Center of the Year Award Application OfficeServicesCenterYearApplication2022BF.fcRev.docx AOSP/MSMA Management Training Program Certificate Earn your AOSP/MSMA Management Training Program Certificate: 2025 Schedule for Training: January 15th - Organization Skills March 12th - Creative Problem Solving May 14th - Generation Gaps July 16th - Manager Management September 17th - Respect in the Workplace All sessions will be 11am - 1pm CST Pricing: MSMA Member - $495 (includes participation in all 5 Courses) Non-Member - $695 (Join AOSP/MSMA and save $100) |
IMRF Staff Receive Office Services Professional Certification Congratulations to seven Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) staff members from the Office Services department who have been awarded their Office Services Professional Certification (OSPC)! |