October Educational Webinar:
Navigating the Business Customer Gateway
Features include:
Understanding the nuances of signing up for a new Business Customer Gateway (BCG) Account
Obtaining visibility on the BCG for an established Mail Owner or Mail Service Provider
Reviewing the importance of the Customer Registration ID (CRID)
Editing Profiles for address, company name
For MSPs only - Functionality of the Customer Validation Tool including lookups and Bulk Search
Using the Get MID/CRIDs tool
Obtaining information from the Postal Wizard system
Viewing services like Manage Permits, Promotions Portal, Mailing & Shipping Services Center Help Desk
Generating a Mailer Scorecard
Viewing Transactions
Understanding the role of the Business Service Administrator (BSA)
Enterprise Payment System report option
Our presenter for this Webinar will be Leanne Herman, Director of Postal Affairs for Sepire, located in Burr Ridge Illinois. She is active in MTAC, DTAC, MSMA, National Postal Forum and local Postal Customer Councils as well as serving on the PCC National Advisory Committee. Leanne has facilitated training sessions over the years at the local, regional and national level and presents at various events
To register for this Webinar: https://msma.wildapricot.org/event-5881635
Floyd Creecy, CMDSM, MDC, OSPC
MSMA Executive Director
e-mail: msma@msmanational.org
Website: www.msmanational.org